Monday, August 16, 2010

Tips for Wine Selection

Tips for Wine Selection -- powered by
Wine comes in many flavors, tints, tones, levels of dryness and blends. Wines are used for cooking or to enhance the flavor of a meal or certain dish. Wine is made from the fermentation of fruits such as grapes, strawberries, elderberries and blackcurrants.
Depending on the grapes, the product yielded is called zinfandel, pinot grigio, pinot noir, merlot, chardonnay, blanco noir or other variations of wine.
Some wines include carbon dioxide that is a product of fermentation. These wines are sparkling wines or champagnes and are often used in celebratory events such as weddings, graduations, holiday parties, and other occasions.

With wide wide world of wine selection, making a wine decision can seem a little daunting. To help you out with your selection, let our experts give you a little bit of information on wine. They explain the differences of some wines, and they show you what to expect when you go to a wine tasting.

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